
blockchain platform

Benefits of Using
Our Solution

Benefits of Using
Our Solution

Focus on green

GreenChain has a UNIQ consensus protocol called proof of green. It consume less energy than existing proof of work algorithms. GreenCoin is build on top of GreenChain.


GreenChain blockchain uses Sharding-based data replication instead of full-node data replication. Sharding has been used to reduce the network and communication overhead in the blockchain.

Smart Actors

GreenChain supports functional programming and an actor-based concurrent smart contract platform Aplos. All blockchain-based software programs and the messages that pass between them are written as Scala functional programming language-based Akka actors.

Real-time Transactions

GreenChain introduced real-time transaction enabled novel scalable validate-execute-group blockchain architecture. Our novel consensus and reduces the overhead of the order-execute architecture in traditional blockchain systems. Backpressure operations on scalable real-time applications are handled with Reactive Streaming based methodology.


GreenChain blockchain is designed using Microservices-based architecture. The consensus handling, smart contracts, asset storage, and block generation functions are implemented in independent microservices services in the GreenChain blockchain. Each blockchain node contains different microservices.

Data Analytics and Machine Learning

GreenChain blockchain is designed using Microservices-based architecture. The consensus handling, smart contracts, asset storage, and block generation functions are implemented in independent microservices services in the GreenChain blockchain. Each blockchain node contains different microservices. All these microservices are dockerized and available for deployment using Kubernetes



GreenChain is a highly scalable blockchain platform
optimized for efficient electricity consumption and
low carbon footprint.GreenChain supports building and
deploying highly scalable enterprise applications
with microservices-based architecture. Following are the
main components of the GreenChain.

Proof of Green – Proof-of-Green(PoG) is a novel Byzantine consensus protocol to address major environmental issues in Proof-of-Work.

Apache Kafka – Apache Kafka-based distributed publisher/subscriber service. it used for consensus and the message broker. This also can be used for consensus.

GreenChain-CA – Certificate authority that issues certificates for peers and clients in the GreenChain blockchain.

GreenChain-ML – Federated machine learning service.
It allows to build and share ML models in a privacy-preserving manner.

GreenCoin – A novel crypto currency based on consensus protocol proof of green. It is based on amount of saved carbon credits and/or amount of calories burnt.

Greenchain Storage Service  – Apache Cassandra-based block, transaction, and asset storage. It supports sharding-based data replication.

Greenchain block creating Service – Block creating service implemented using Scala and Akka streams.

Greenchain Smart contract Service – Smart contract service implemented using Scala functional programming language and Akka actors. It supports concurrent transaction execution on the blockchain.

About greenchain

About greenchain





White Paper

GreenChain White Paper

Research Paper

Research paper about our new consensus protocol Proof of Green(PoG)



GreenCoin is built on top of GreenChain. GreenCoin uses novel Proof-of-Green(PoG) consensus protocol that addresses major environmental issues in Proof-of-Work. PoG is similar to Proof-of-Stake where GreenCoin cryptocurrency tokens are used as a stake from block miners.

Carbon credit scores are recorded as transactions in Greenchain and the corresponding GreenCoins can be automatically credited to the individuals. As part of transaction execution, the block proposer generates GreenCoins corresponding to the client carbon credit score which will be updated in the blockchain ledger asset storage. A portion of GreenCoins generated from each transaction will be allocated to the leader as a reward for block generation.

This reward also will be updated in the blockchain asset storage and a transaction related to the reward will be added to the block. Once a block is generated, it will be broadcast to other nodes in the network. Once a block is validated by the validator nodes, they too will execute the transactions in the block and update their own ledger with the respective client GreenCoin balances of the client and the block generator node



RideCoin is a subset of GreenCoin which uses amount of burned calories instead of carbon credit score for block generation.